Sponsorship renewal

Sponsorship renewal

The Morabank Andorra president, Gorka Aixàs, and the Head of communication for Molines Patrimonis, Pati Molné, have signed the sponsorship renewal agreement for two more years.

With just one more day to go till the end of the competition and with a question mark hanging over them about whether Morabank Andorra will manage to remain in the category or will go downwards, both entities have just signed the renewal of the sponsorship contract for a further two years.
To quote Molné “Whatever happens on this last day, we will be at the team’s side next year”.
Aixàs has said that there are sponsors who are part of the family and that is the case of Molines Patrimonis “family is there in good times as well as in bad ones”.
The signing took place at Molines Patrimonis’ offices with the media present.

Tibetan bridge of Canillo


Tibetan bridge of Canillo

Molines Patrimonis, two more seasons


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